A few more mistakes garages make when responding to customer reviews

Fourmative completes it series with tips and advice for independent garage owners

A few more mistakes garages make when responding to customer reviews
Image: Bigstock.

Automotive consultancy firm, Fourmative is today completes its short series on common customer feedback mistakes with four more tips for garage owners.

Experts at the company say around half the population will refer to customer review before choosing where to spend their money.

It aims to help garages understand the importance of feedback and how they should respond to it.

Mistake nine: Failing to share feedback with staff

Feedback affects all your staff.

If everyone who works there is aware of the customer’s thoughts, they’ll put extra effort into making the experience a good one.

Some feedback systems give you live reporting throughout the day which you can use to coach, motivate and incentivise your staff.

If everyone fully understands their role and how to contribute more, your service will improve.

Mistake ten: Being defensive

This is possibly the worst way to react.

It tells the customer you don’t agree with their views, and that you’ve taken the comments in a personal light.

That’s a red rag to a bull when a customer is unhappy – it gets their back up even more.

Even if the customer is rude and angry, stay cool, calm and professional at all costs.

Listen actively, and take whatever measures you think necessary to fix the problem.

Remember: In the customers mind “the customer is always right”
Feedback, good or bad, is your path to a better business, so put a system in place to gather as many customer opinions as you can.

Mistake eleven: Failing to reward staff based on customer satisfaction

Giving money, gifts, or simply recognition to staff who have got great feedback is a great way to encourage more of the same.

Plus, it boosts their confidence and makes them realise how valued they are.

That goes a long way.

If your staff feel good, it shows, and your customers will see what a great company they work for.

It’s a positive upwards spiral, so make sure you have a way to find out what your customers really think. Great reviews mean they’ll keep coming back.

Mistake twelve: Asking for feedback too late

A classic error. Life moves quickly.

By next week, the customer will have forgotten their exact thoughts on their experience.

The opinions you get will be a watered-down version of how they felt.

Getting the feedback before they leave does two things: it gives you an honest and open reflection of their feelings at the time, and it reduces the chances of a huffy customer sounding off online.

So if you need help in improving customer satisfaction and retention and need a tool to do just that then give INSTANT FEEDBACK a try.

Related: Common mistakes garages make when responding to customer reviews

A Fourmative spokesperson said “People remember bad comments more than the good, so it’s not surprising that little mistakes can cost you thousands of pounds each month.

“Customer feedback can make or break your business.”

Fourmative provides a web-based system which helps garages gain valuable customer feedback which can be used to help improve satisfaction and business retention.

‘Instant Feedback’ is received from customers as they receive the bill.

Related: More common mistakes garages make when responding to customer reviews

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