BMW commits to parallel path of Petrol and Diesel alongside EV

Flexible approach will help with changing attitudes to EVs

BMW commits to parallel path of Petrol and Diesel alongside EV

Bernd Körber, BMW’s product boss, affirms that petrol and diesel cars will coexist with electric vehicles for the foreseeable future. Despite calls to phase out polluting vehicles, BMW plans to continue offering internal combustion engine (ICE) options alongside EVs.

BMW’s strategy includes keeping front and rear-wheel-drive platforms, as well as all powertrain choices, as they transition to the ‘Neue Klasse’ platform next year. This adaptability allows BMW to navigate market fluctuations driven by the current changing attitudes toward electric vehicles.

Körber acknowledges the challenges of a rapidly evolving vehicle market and shifting regulations. He said:

“We’re into a technology-flexible approach. If a market shifts, we don’t have to close plants; we just shift to another drivetrain.”

Jochen Goller, a BMW board member focusing on sales, recognises the fluctuating perception of electric vehicles. However, he remains optimistic about EV growth, especially as models offer longer ranges and faster charging times.

While the UK initially planned to ban new petrol and diesel cars by 2035, political parties are debating accelerated timelines. The Green Party, naturally, aims for an earlier ban, while Reform UK opposes any restrictions beyond the current 2035 deadline.

Source: GB News

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