Delphi to showcase next-gen diag tool at Simply Keys

Automotive locksmith show set to feature BlueTech VCI

Delphi to showcase next-gen diag tool at Simply Keys

Delphi is gearing up to exhibit its latest BlueTech vehicle communication interface (VCI) diagnostic tool at the Simply Keys automotive locksmith show. The event is scheduled for 20/21 July at the GTG in Wolverhampton and is free for attendees.

The show is a key opportunity for independent garage owners to discover ways to enhance their services and increase revenue. Delphi’s DS180 BlueTech VCI, along with its DS software, offers automated security gateway access, streamlining key coding procedures for a range of major vehicle brands.

“The Delphi DS180 is the perfect diagnostic companion for any auto locksmith,” said Matt Woodgate, Diagnostic Specialist at Hickleys. “As vehicle systems become ever-more complicated, having a high-quality diagnostic tool with the latest diagnostics over internet protocol (DoIP) and security gateway compatibility is vital.”

The showcase will also feature the DS480 diagnostic kit, which includes the DS180 BlueTech VCI and a Delphi-branded Microsoft Surface Pro tablet.

Organised by Hickleys, Simply Keys will present the latest in key programming and diagnostics with live demos, talks, and exclusive deals. Attendees can enjoy a free lunch and a chance to win from a £35,000 prize pot.

If you’d like to attend, please register by clicking the link here.

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