Garage Hive Power BI reports drive business growth

Precise metrics and real-time insights empower independent garages with decision-making capabilities

Garage Hive Power BI reports drive business growth

Garage Hive’s Power BI reports are changing the way forward-thinking garage owners manage their businesses. By visualising workshop data, Garage Hive provides essential insights that can fuel growth for independent garages across the UK and Ireland.

“It’s about helping garages owners make data-driven decisions with confidence and precision,” said Alex Lindley, Director of Garage Hive. “With Garage Hive, you can stop relying on your bank balance to gauge business health and start using precise metrics that truly matter.”

The Garage Hive Power BI homepage dashboard consolidates detailed reports, offering a comprehensive view of key business metrics. Garage owners and managers can track daily, weekly, and monthly sales, gross profit, and a 14-day booking forecast (including MOTs, services, and total appointments). The system also monitors net promoter scores, average invoice values, profits, work-in-progress status, and stock value. Industry-leading reports are accessible through the menu and update automatically.

“Unreliable data in reports can cause more damage than not reporting at all,” said Alex. “Garage Hive eliminates the risk of human errors. Our reports don’t require manual setup or maintenance. They are reliable, flexible, and designed to provide the most accurate and up-to-date business intelligence.”

Accessible on Android and Apple devices, Garage Hive ensures critical data and reports are available anytime, anywhere.

“There’s nothing else out there like Garage Hive,” said Mark Kettle of EAC Telford. “It gives us a real-time overview of everything. We track activity, analyse performance, and implement improvements. Only by monitoring and acting on this data have we managed to maximise efficiency, boost sales and improve customer retention.”

For a Garage Hive demonstration, please visit their website by clicking here.

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