HELLA showcases diagnostic innovation at GSF TechFest

Attendees gained insights into ADAS and exclusive discounts on diagnostic tools

HELLA showcases diagnostic innovation at GSF TechFest

HELLA, along with Hella Gutmann Solutions, played a pivotal role at the GSF Car Parts TechFest, held at Wembley. The event, which took place from 4.00pm to 9.30pm on 13 June, provided an opportunity for automotive professionals to discover the latest in parts, tools, and garage equipment.

At the HELLA stand, visitors were offered a promotional discount on the macsRemote diagnostic tool, available for £495 instead of the usual £844, with the first three jobs included at no extra cost. Julian Goulding, Head of Sales at Hella Gutmann Solutions, highlighted the benefits of macsRemote:

“Technicians connect macsRemote to the car, and then our technical experts can remotely access all the vehicle’s electronic systems and perform the required tasks using vehicle manufacturer diagnostic equipment.”

Additionally, live demonstrations of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) calibration were conducted using the CSC Tool Mobile.

Riccardo Sorano, Key Account Manager at Hella Gutmann, delivered a tech talk titled ‘ADAS Awareness – identification, calibration, opportunity with HELLA’, which attracted a considerable audience. He said:

“My talk covered current vehicle market requirements for repairers,” Riccardo explained, “and offered the audience a better understanding of ADAS systems.”

HELLA also exhibited its electronics and filters for passenger cars and showcased its range of handheld lamps.

Reflecting on the event’s success, Julian Goulding said:

“TechFest was a fantastic show. It was free to enter, with parking and refreshments included. With some of the biggest names in the sector present, there was something for everyone.”

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