Mechanic swerves jail term for amphetamine use to stay awake at work

Grzegorz Fuchs pleads guilty to drug dealing and money laundering

Mechanic swerves jail term for amphetamine use to stay awake at work

Grzegorz Fuchs, a 28-year-old mechanic from Cork, who began using amphetamines to stay awake at work, ended up dealing the drug during the COVID-19 pandemic. He has now avoided a jail term, receiving a fully suspended sentence at Cork Circuit Criminal Court.

Detective Garda Shannon Ryan testified that Fuchs was found with over €9,000 worth of amphetamines at his home in Killeens, Crossbarry, Co Cork, on 19 December, 2021. An additional sum of €4,210 was also seized during the drug search.

Fuchs pleaded guilty to possession of the amphetamine for the purpose of selling or supplying, as well as a money-laundering charge in respect of the €4,210 seized. Despite some of the money being found in different areas of the house and not all associated with the amphetamines, Fuchs did not contest the seizure, resulting in the entire amount being forfeited to the State.

Defence barrister Mahon Corkery highlighted Fuchs’ significant pro-social steps since the incident. Fuchs chose to abstain from alcohol and amphetamines, addressing the root of the issue responsibly and disassociating himself from this behaviour.

Judge Cormac Quinn noted the mitigating factors, including a signed plea of guilty, which saved the State’s preparation of a book of evidence and Fuchs’ cooperation with the investigation. The judge acknowledged Fuchs’ active involvement in work and sports and his current commitment to voluntary work in the community.

Despite falling into a vicious circle of drug use and dealing, Fuchs is now married and continuing to contribute positively to his community. His fully suspended two-year sentence reflects his efforts to turn his life around.

Source: Irish Examiner

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