Your customers need these winter driving essentials

LKQ Euro Car Parts has produced several guides to winter driving

Your customers need these winter driving essentials
Photo: Bigstock

As the weather takes a turn for the worse, LKQ Euro Car Parts is warning that drivers in the UK are unprepared in case of a breakdown.

Indeed, two thirds (66 percent) of drivers have admitted to not keeping a breakdown kit in their car to help deal with an unexpected vehicle problem.

Experts at LKQ Euro Car Parts have revealed the breakdown essentials motorists should keep stocked in their cars this winter, which could provide garages with an opportunity to upsell to customers when their cars are in for service or repair.

A spokesperson for the company said: “The shorter days that come with winter mean the chances of a breakdown happening when it’s dark out are higher.

“Because of this, keeping your car stocked with high vis jackets, an emergency triangle and a small torch is important for keeping yourself and others visible and safe from passing vehicles. A torch can also be essential for navigating the vehicle and surrounding areas should you have to walk somewhere for help.”

For drivers needing extra advice on keeping safe over colder months, the car parts retailer has also produced several winter driving guides which provide practical advice for motorists.

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