Latest seasonal products in GSF’s ‘Garage Essentials’ promotion

More than 50,000 copies of the 68-page tools and equipment guide have been published

Latest seasonal products in GSF’s ‘Garage Essentials’ promotion
GSF's latest edition of 'Garage Essentials'.

The latest edition of GSF’s Garage Essentials contains a selection of workshop must-haves and profit builders.

The cover features Vetech’s multi-fleet engine oils, which enable garages to simplify their 5W-30 stocks whilst still complying with VM specifications.

Also featured is Milwaukee’s battery impact torque wrench, the premium brand debuts in Garage Essentials, with three more full pages of their tools inside.

Launch’s new automatic transmission cleaner and fluid exchanger (CAT501S), completes the cover line up and delivers a 99.9 per cent fluid change, where draining typically only recovers 45 – 60 per cent of the fluid.

John Wright, head of garage equipment and customer development, said: “We’re offering free demonstrations on the Launch unit, we want forward-thinking garages to pick up on these kinds of new profit opportunities and realise GSF can support them.”

Unilite are also included featuring their high spec range of torches and lamps which can be found on page 63.

Page three offers fixed-price F-Gas qualifications at just £230 + VAT, while pages four and five features air con machines, with ranges from Waeco in Germany and Italian specialists Brain Bee.

To request a free copy, call 0121 7498801 or click ‘more details’ below to find your nearest GSF branch.

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