Van stolen from work premises not insured

Les Ufton, owner of New Eastwood Garage, Nottinghamshire discovered that his stolen work van was not insured while on work premises

Van stolen from work premises not insured
Photo: Google Maps

The £5,000 Ford Transit was stolen in December 2023. Ufton had “road risk insurance” and believed it covered his work van.

However, he was told his van was not insured within 400 metres of his workplace. Despite this, Ufton extended his insurance with Eridge Underwriting while they dealt with the rejected claim.

After the 14-day “cooling-off period” ended, they informed him they wouldn’t be paying the claim.

Ufton is now urging others to check the small print of their policies. He has also been in touch with the DVLA, who informed him that the vehicle was still in his name despite being stolen.

Eridge Underwriting did not wish to comment at this stage.

Source: Nottingham Post

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