Easy2Recruit drums up interest at GSF TechFest

Finding a receptive audience at the recent London event

Easy2Recruit drums up interest at GSF TechFest

The 13 June event saw high engagement from attendees according to Easy2Recruit founder Ambi Singh:

“The market for garage staff in and around London is extremely competitive, and those we spoke to were very receptive to our recruitment offering. We had some very interesting conversations with garages and businesses in the wider automotive aftermarket. It was a great event for us.”

Easy2Recruit streamlines overseas recruitment for garages, facilitating technician hiring from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and India. They assist with Home Office licensing, video interviews, and the entire relocation process for chosen technicians, including visa applications, flights, and accommodation.

Easy2Recruit are an authorised recruitment supplier for the National Body Repair Association (NBRA). They also offer Student2Skill, connecting international students with part-time garage opportunities.

Launched in June 2023, Easy2Recruit is experiencing growing recognition within the garage industry. “Easy2Recruit started a year ago in June 2023,” said Ambi. “One year on, and our message is being heard, and garages are getting on board. GSF TechFest was a great event, and put us in front of exactly the people who need to be talking to us.”

For more information on Easy2Recruit’s services, garages can visit their website by clicking here.

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