Polybush offers a range of Volvo upgrades

Are you endlessly replacing rear trailing arm bushes?

Polybush offers a range of Volvo upgrades

Polybush offers a “Fit and Forget” solution for your customers, putting an end to the endless replacements of rear trailing arm bushes across many Volvo models. But what can Polybush do for you?

Longevity: Polybushes can outlast their rubber counterparts by 4-5 times, offering long-lasting performance.

Improved control: Polybush can improve steering response and control.

Increased tyre life: Polybush can help reduce tyre wear. It’s a fit-and-forget solution that extends tyre life.

Comfort: Polybush ensure a smooth drive, just like before, with no compromise in comfort.

Easy installation: No special tools are needed to install Polybush components. Simply remove the old rubber bushes and push in Polybush.

Polybush can solve problems associated with rubber suspension bushes, such as high wear rate, high cost of tooling and prototypes, long lead time for prototypes, wearing away of mating metal parts, deterioration due to petrol and oil, poor resilience and load bearing, low tensile strength, and high compression causing permanent deformation.

With nearly four decades of proven performance, Polybush is an OE supplier trusted by major vehicle manufacturers.

For more information on the Polybush Volvo range, please visit their website here.

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