Opinion: Manufacturer-owned and paper service books have lost credibility

Digital-Servicebook has it’s say on service data

Opinion: Manufacturer-owned and paper service books have lost credibility

When we started Digital-Servicebook in 2015, it was not because it was easy, but because it was necessary – and many doubted us.

We saw a problem and found a solution that now, seven years after the launch, must be said to be a success and without a single rejected warranty case in the whole world.

Seven years ago, Digital-Servicebook was a small new product but today we are the world’s largest supplier of service documentation, all in one platform.

We believed, and still believe, that the paper service books provide a false sense of security, the paper service books are easily lost and is extremely outdated. Not only that, but a huge amount of information is lost that way.

One of the manufactures owned digital service books main problems is that the consumer owns the data, which they often don’t have access to or even know exists.

We are here with the solution to disentangle that problem and make it much safer for both parties, simply by digitizing the physical service book for much more trustworthy information where no fudge is possible.

It’s not only the trust that expands but also the value in all aspects.

We have taken the consumer and the EU requirements for documentation, warranty, and GDPR as the starting point – and the fact the Digital-Servicebook is easy to use – that is the secret behind our success.

Why do car manufacturers make IT systems so troublesome to use that many garages completely abandon to use them?

Digitally, it is better to take the good old paper service book as the starting point and then add the possibility of uploading the documentation that consumers all over the world must bring with them if warranty questions arise.

Manufacturers, dealers, workshops, and consumers are always able to see that service has been performed in Digital-Servicebook, and the consumer always has access to all the documentation that the workshop uploads – which can be handed out to the car manufacturer/car importer if a warranty question arises.

We are so proud of our great support throughout the automotive industry that we offer today.

For our pro users, we offer support with any warranty disputes you could have with a manufacturer if it becomes relevant.

All-makes and models ‘Digital-Servicebook’ has now been established for a year in the UK for independent garages.

Consumers cannot understand – and find it unacceptable – that their branded retailer has not given them access to their data when a solution to this is found via Digital-Servicebook.

Our goal is not to get everyone involved but to solve a problem in the automotive industry where the consumer is at the center, which is easy to use, and which gives the entire car industry a boost in quality and transparency.

As a workshop, you must use the solution that you think is best suited for your business and customers.

But I understand that in 2022, we still ask the question of warranty – it is “David’s battle against Goliath”.

Fortunately, we won the first seven years, and we are no longer the little new product that many laughed at – we are a product that supports factory warranty worldwide, and we dare to speak highly of that warranty.

But most importantly we try to make life better as a consumer and for a business.

A free Digital-Servicebook 30-day trial is available to garages here.

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