Garage Hive community unites at DPF Doctor Conference

Newcastle event was a chance for knowledge to be shared

Garage Hive community unites at DPF Doctor Conference

Independent garage owners from the Garage Hive community came together at the recent DPF Doctor Conference in Newcastle.

Their presentations highlighted the innovative approaches and business knowledge that the Garage Hive platform fosters.

Garage Hive Director Alex Lindley gave a talk on using data to set business targets and drive growth. Tim Benson of Oldfields Garage challenged traditional thinking about customer service, emphasising attracting the right clientele. Barry Lawson of Lawson AutoTech shared his success story built on a strategic diagnostic process.

These presentations, all delivered by Garage Hive members, showcased the synergy between technical expertise and business acumen. 

Alex Lindley said: “Having so many of our users called to speak at industry events like the DPF Doctor Conference is a testament to the innovation and leadership within the Garage Hive community,”

“It reflects our commitment to empowering garages with the tools and knowledge they need to excel and underscores the collective expertise that defines our following.”

You can learn more about Garage Hive by clicking here.

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