Driver gets Clean Air Zone fine while her van was on recovery truck

Eve Scragg's van was been carried on the back of a recovery vehicle

Driver gets Clean Air Zone fine while her van was on recovery truck

A businesswoman from Bristol has received a fine for travelling through the city’s Clean Air Zone (CAZ) while her van was broken down.

Bemusement gave way to bafflement when Eve Scragg was sent photo evidence from Bristol City Council which showed that her Volkswagen Transporter did indeed enter the CAZ – while it was stranded on the back of an AA recovery truck.

Eve appealed the fine and told Bristol Live: “Apparently this is quite common – if your vehicle is being transported on the back of an AA truck like mine is here, the council system can’t tell any different, and they evidently don’t have any human sense checks in place before they send PCNs [Penalty Charge Notices] out.

“The result is anyone having their vehicle transported by a recovery truck is likely to get issued with a fine and threats if they don’t pay up. I have now appealed the fine, but have been away so nearly didn’t spot the letter in time to do so, there’s a limited period in which you’re allowed to appeal.

“I’d guess a lot of others have found themselves in a similar situation or landed with fines through no fault of their own too.”

A spokesperson for Bristol City Council acknowledged the error and said the penalty charge had now been cancelled.

Source: Bristol Live


  1. The recovery operator should cover the registration plates

    • I quite agree, but once more, this is yet another expense.

  2. I quite agree, but once more, this is yet another expense.


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