Drunk mechanic gets suspended prison sentence

Robert Newell is also banned from driving for two years

Drunk mechanic gets suspended prison sentence
Photo: Google Street View

A drunk mechanic has been given a suspended prison sentence and banned from driving for two years after being caught three times over the legal limit.

The Crown Prosecution Service has released footage showing Robert Newell leading police on 13-minute chase after he was stopped in Pontyberem, South Wales.

Having refused a request to switch off his engine, Newell drove off, injuring a police officer, who was dragged along by the Ford Fiesta. The footage shows the mechanic losing control, hitting a hedge and speeding on narrow lanes, before pulling into a driveway.

During his arrest, Newell reportedly told police officers: “I know I was over the limit, I don’t deny that. I know the limit is 35.”

A roadside breath test showed he had 110 micrograms of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath.

Newell appeared at Swansea Crown Court where he was charged with dangerous driving, driving with excess alcohol and an assault on an emergency worker.

Mitigating, Caitlin Brazel said: “On the day of this offence his relationship of 21 years came to an end. It was his devastation and heartbreak at the end of this relationship which led to him using alcohol as a coping mechanism.

“His actions came out of a state of complete and utter panic.”

He was sentenced to a year in prison, suspended for a year, and must complete 100 hours of unpaid work. Along with a 90-day alcohol abstinence monitoring requirement, Newell was also banned from driving for 24 months and must pass an extended retest to regain his driving licence.

Source: South Wales Argus

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