Drunk mechanic used baby as human shield during arrest

Christopher Lindsay has escaped jail following an incident in Perth, Scotland

Drunk mechanic used baby as human shield during arrest
Photo: Bigstock

A drunk mechanic who used a baby as a human shield to avoid arrest has been ordered to carry out 255 hours of unpaid work and placed on a 12-week curfew.

Christopher Lindsay, 40, threatened to give parking wardens in Perth “a kicking” after they asked him to move his Audi.

Responding to reports of the incident, officers turned up to his house the next day, where they found Lindsay drunk on the sofa with a baby wearing an unfastened nappy.

He used the baby as a shield to prevent an arrest, telling the police it would take 16 officers to arrest him, adding he could “throw them through the window”.

Fiscal depute Erika Watson told Perth Sheriff Court: “He got up off the sofa and took an aggressive stance, thrust his body and face towards the officers, and told them to leave. The baby was left on the edge of the sofa cushion.

“He said he was quite capable of looking after the child. He picked up the baby and began to ramble, and shout and swear.”

The court heard how Lindsay told officers he would be sharing footage of the arrest on YouTube, adding: “If you want I can throw you both through the f***ing window.”

As he was being handcuffed, Lindsay shouted: “You better call everyone, it took 16 of you last time. Pepper spray me – I f***ing love it. You will need the whole of Perth and Dundee to take me out of here.”

Defending Lindsay, Pauline Cullerton said: “He was surprised to see the police at his door when he was in the middle of changing the baby’s nappy. Alcohol had been consumed.”

Lindsay escaped jail, but Sheriff William Wood told him: “You have got a bit of a record. Your difficulty with the services of law and order are well documented.

“The alcohol thing is going to plague you if you don’t get that under control. When you have had a drink, things seem to run away from you.

“When you see the black uniform that is when your anti-authoritarian feelings come out and you should know by now how that is going to play out.”

Source: MailOnline

1 Comment

  1. His own child ? People like THAT should not be allowed to reproduce


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