Fraudsters altering photos to make false insurance claims

Cases involving distorted images and videos have increased by 300% in 2023, according to insurer LV

Fraudsters altering photos to make false insurance claims
Photo: Bigstock

The UK insurance industry has warned of a surge in ‘shallowfake’ scams, where fraudsters manipulate photos of vehicle damage to make false claims, driving up insurance costs.

Fraudsters are using readily available software to doctor photos, including photoshopping registration numbers onto total loss vehicles. Insurers are fighting back with modern technology to detect these scams. Allianz, for example, has partnered with voice analytics tool Clearspeed to detect more scammers.

The average driver is now paying a record £635 for car insurance, a rise from £627 in the final three months of 2023, according to the Association of British Insurers (ABI). The ABI attributes high car insurance premiums to claim costs, thefts, and repair prices.

Source: Daily Mail

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