Mechanic fined for issuing fake MOT certificates

Gloucestershire man handed suspended sentence and community service

Mechanic fined for issuing fake MOT certificates

A 24-year-old mechanic from Staverton, Gloucestershire, has been sentenced for issuing fraudulent MOT certificates.

Keegan Bonato, of Lawrence Close, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, admitted to eight charges of fraud after failing to conduct vital safety checks on vehicles before passing their MOTs.

Bonato appeared at Cheltenham Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, 18 June, where he received a 12-week suspended prison sentence. He was also ordered to pay a £1,000 fine, a £154 surcharge, and complete 200 hours of unpaid community service. The charges related to offences committed at a Garage located in Staverton between March and May 2023.

The DVSA urges drivers to use garages registered with its MOT scheme to ensure they receive a legitimate test.

Source: Punchline Gloucester


  1. What a silly boy !! At that age, will he learn?!

  2. No prison food ? Hope he is banned from testing for maximum time allowed then


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