‘Nobody likes a tailgater’, ‘someone loves you, drive carefully’, and ‘our dad works here’ are amongst some new road signs that have popped up on our roads recently.
The thought-provoking signs are being trialled on the M1 and A21 in Kent, A40 in Gloucestershire and M3 in Surrey.
A Highways England spokesperson reported that they were developed with the help of psychologists and are intended to improve the customer experience through roadworks.
Ben Hamilton-Baillie, a traffic and movement specialist, thinks the signs come across as patronising: “It’s a common mistake – assuming that signs can be friendly when they’re clearly standardised.”
Others welcome the new style signs, saying they bring a personal touch to our roadworks.
Do you agree or are they just a silly gimmick that everyone will come to ignore? Leave your comments below and let us know if you’ve come across a ‘happy’ roadworks sign.