Over 650,000 UK drivers lose licences due to medical reasons

DVLA data reveals common medical conditions leading to licence revocation

Over 650,000 UK drivers lose licences due to medical reasons
Photo: Bigstock

In the past decade, more than half a million UK drivers have had their licences revoked by the DVLA due to medical reasons. A recent Freedom of Information request uncovered that 646,972 drivers lost their licences, with alcohol dependency, epilepsy, and dementia being the most common reasons.

These medical decisions are crucial for road safety, but there’s concern that many more drivers may still be on our roads with undisclosed medical conditions.

While men are more likely to have their licences revoked, the impact on elderly drivers is significant. As the DVLA continues to assess fitness to drive, transparency about medical conditions remains a key part of ensuring safety on our roads. 

Source: GB News

1 Comment

  1. If you have narcolepsy YOU will never get a license


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