Now in its third year, the three day customer events coincide with the annual VLN Endurance Championships to highlight TRW Aftermarket’s commitment towards improving global road and pedestrian safety.
Bahar Sabet, TRW’s marketing communications manager parts and service, Europe, said: “The quality and calibre of the components fitted to vehicles play a huge part in keeping road users safe.”
After touring TRW Aftermarket’s manufacturing facility, practical safety training exercises, such as braking in an emergency situation while cornering and the effects of driving with defective shock absorbers, took place.
TRW Aftermarket customer, Frank Schmitz of Autocentre Lindenberg, said: “This was an interesting, informative and fun packed visit which served a very serious purpose: to see first-hand the effects of driving with defective or badly maintained components.”
In its new report, the World Health Organisation (WHO) warns that global road deaths have plateaued at 1.25 million per year and that more action is urgently needed to meet the UN’s new target to halve this figure by 2020.
Along with other leading names, ZF TRW, is involved with ‘#stopthecrash’ a new global partnership led by NCAP which promotes life-saving crash avoidance technologies, specifically: Electronic Stability Control (ESC); Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) and Anti-Lock Brakes for Motorcycles (ABS).
Crash avoidance technology
Today’s crash avoidance technologies are capable of preventing many types of vehicle collision before they happen.
For example, worldwide studies have confirmed the effectiveness of Electronic Stability Control (ESC) in reducing fatalities in single vehicle crashes by as much as 40 per cent.
“Intelligent active and passive safety technologies are available to make vehicles safer, though we need to work hard to make them accessible to all,” Bahar added.
“However, at the same time, the global car parc is growing at pace meaning more and more vehicles on the world’s roads at any one time.
“As an industry, we need to work together to do what we can to protect all road users.”
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