An automatic transmission contains more moving parts than any other system in a vehicle but after just 30,000 miles the transmission fluid can start to breakdown.
The most likely cause of automatic transmission failure?
According to BG Products, it is the fluid deterioration, which is why we organised an automatic transmission fluid (ATF) exchange demonstration using the BG PXT2 machine.
The review vehicle is a Mercedes Benz CLK 5.5 litre V8 with 85,000 miles on the clock, complete with a clunky automatic box.
Speaking to Paul Dobbyn, director of BG Products, the BG PXT2 brings huge benefits for the vehicle owner and the garage undertaking the work.
He said: “With most gearboxes, if you just do a drop and drain about 30 per cent, sometimes more, is retained in the torque converter.
“With the system we’ve used today, we’ve managed to get a complete exchange.”
This article first featured in Garage Wire Views, click here to find out more about the machine and how it improved the driving experience in the Mercedes Benz CLK…
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