With traffic brought to a standstill after a horse escaped onto the busy M5 near the Devon/Somerset border, a talented quartet got out of their cars and set up their instruments, much to the delight of the stranded motorists.
The footage below, which shows the roadside concert, was captured by Helen Delingpole, of Ferndale, Wales, and posted on Facebook.
The 45-year-old wrote: “A horse escaped on the M5 today on our way back from Devon, causing a complete stand-still and a string quartet to play.”
Alison Gillies, 37, of Bristol, who plays the cello in the group, said: “We were on our way back from playing at someone’s wedding and we got caught up in the traffic jam, then one of the quartet jokingly suggested it and we thought why not?
“A crowd of people came over, and everyone seemed to like it – it was great.
“People seemed to just come over, they saw us unpacking and everything so it wasn’t much of a surprise for them, but they got into it it was really nice.”
Another member of the group, 31-year-old Lu Jeffery, of Portishead, near Bristol, said: “It was a lovely moment, one the quartet will treasure.
“Between us, we have played some of the most incredible concert venues globally and the one afternoon you play the M5 it all goes crazy.”