‘Worst of 2020 behind us’, says aftermarket data specialist as majority of workshops open

Stats show 67 per cent of workshops were open before lockdown restrictions eased

‘Worst of 2020 behind us’, says aftermarket data specialist as majority of workshops open
Image: Bigstock.

With the majority of garages now back open following the UK’s lockdown, the “worst part of 2020 is behind us” according to an automotive aftermarket intelligence firm.

In the latest GiPA analysis on the impact of COVID-19, two thirds of all British workshops were found to be open.

Quentin Le Hetet of GiPA UK said: “We can still see a clear difference between vehicle manufacturers’ networks and independent aftermarket players.

“However, with the ease of lockdown implemented on Monday 1 June, we can expect the gap to narrow.

“The lockdown ease will also bring cars back on the road and drivers are expected to be using their cars again and take it to the workshop if needed.

“As long as social distancing and new rules are being respected, we can expect the worse part of 2020 to be behind us.”

GiPA data as of 3/6/20.

Related: What ‘Test and Trace’ means for independent garages

The findings, which were released this week, suggests that while the number of workshops is on the increase many are operating with reduced staff.

Quentin added: “While we see a clear increase in the share of workshops that are now open, the aftermarket is not back on its feet yet.

“Indeed, most repairers are operating partially-staffed and social distancing measures suggest a potential impact on their productivity.”

Six-month MOT exemption

Meanwhile, aftermarket trade groups including the Independent Garage Association (IGA) and Independent Automotive Aftermarket Federation (IAAF) continue calls for an urgent review of the six-month MOT exemption.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has indicated that the extension will not be lifted until tests can be “conducted safely” with the “lowest possible risk” to the health of motorists and staff.

The IGA has now launched a COVID-19 compliance certification which it will use to underpin a case to overturn the six-month MOT extension by providing evidence that garages are safe places for consumers to visit.

Further details on compliance certification are expected to be released on Monday.

Do think the worst is behind us? Let us know how things are at your garage by commenting below.

Related: Optimism at Avia Autos as pandemic recovery begins

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years ago by paul dobbyn.
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  • #196584 Reply

    With the majority of garages now back open following the UK’s lockdown, the “worst part of 2020 is behind us” according to an automotive aftermarket i
    [See the full post at: ‘Worst of 2020 behind us’, says aftermarket data specialist as majority of workshops open]

    #196639 Reply
    Stuart Purves s

    Obviously it is encouraging to see and feel things beginning to pick up again, however for smaller independent garages such as mine the trace and track system is a real worry. With more customers coming into our workshops, the chances of being flagged up as a contact, and the probability that multiple staff members and or management may be requiring to self isolate is a real worry, and could quite easily be enough to finish of businesses like mine.

    We have a very long way to go before we are out of the woods on this one.7

    #196649 Reply
    paul dobbyn

    Stuart’s point, above, is very valid. It highlights the importance of maintaining social distance and keeping a strong car/workplace hygiene regime.
    Paul Dobbyn
    BG Products

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