GSF Car Parts open new national distribution centre

New hub offers 500,000 sq ft and 700 parking spaces

GSF Car Parts open new national distribution centre

This National Distribution Centre (NDC) in Wolverhampton offers nearly 500,000 sq ft of warehouse space, GSF aims to improve supply chain infrastructure and enhance service across their network, with up to 96% of stock delivered overnight to branches.

The centre is equipped with advanced logistics capabilities and nearly 700 parking spaces for cars and HGVs.

Steve Horne, CEO of GSF Car Parts, says, “Our new NDC is only part of a sustained programme of investment in GSF Car Parts that is already transforming all aspects of business operations. Our aim is to rapidly awaken the sleeping giant of the UK aftermarket.”

Sukhpal Ahluwalia, Executive Chairman of GSF Car Parts, adds, “The new NDC is a culmination of a comprehensive search exercise to find exactly the right site to drive the future of the business. This is the next step in our journey from a large multi-regional business to a truly national player.”

For more information, please visit GSF Car Parts here.

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