Garage reports 18k incremental value from WhoCanFixMyCar

Surrey Car Maintenance in Shepperton has so far won 60 jobs and paid just £350 commission to the website

Garage reports 18k incremental value from WhoCanFixMyCar
Surrey Car Maintenance, Shepperton, Surrey.

In the third instalment of a series of WhoCanFixMyCar case studies that will run until the end of the year, Surrey Car Maintenance in Shepperton has put its success down to a number of factors.

Warning potential customers of additional work before taking the car in and fast quotes, Surrey Car Maintenance has achieved an incremental revenue from WhoCanFixMyCar between £15-18K during the first nine months of membership, paying just £350 commission.

Owner James said: “We’ve had 48 jobs directly from, as well as some repeat business in our first five months.

“We were on two other websites: one brought in one job in six months, and the other was so bad we deleted it from our computer.”

For £1.53 a week, members are sent local job alerts by email and text.

They can quote for the work online or by phone, and pay a small commission of around £10 when the car comes in – any upsell, or repeat business, is theirs to keep.

WhoCanFixMyCar case studies
  1. Ross Motors
  2. M8 Gear House

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