The code approval came into force at the start of the month, making Trust My Garage the only CTSI backed code exclusively for independent garages.
Since the announcement, the Independent Garage Association (IGA) has reported an unprecedented increase in enquiries from garages wanting to join the scheme.
Stuart James, IGA director said: “This growth serves to raise the bar for all independent garages that are genuinely focussed on quality customer service.
“Trust My Garage has been steadily growing for a number of years and approval by CTSI is the icing on the cake for a consumer code scheme exclusively for independent garages.”
The Government backed CTSI Consumer Code Approval Scheme (CCAS) approves and promotes consumer codes, and recognises Trust My Garage as a national, trustworthy code of practise.
To find out more about Trust My Garage, follow the ‘More Details’ link below.