UK roads could become completely gridlocked in 20 years as a result of an ‘electric car revolution’, a report warns.
Experts are urging ministers to overhaul vehicle excise duty in a bid to avoid a roads crisis, amid fears more and more people will take to the wheel as tax-break incentives make green-plate vehicles all the more attractive.
A document from the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change predicts the cost to the economy from traffic jams could be as much as £120billion a year by 2040.
The ex-PM’s lobby group says that, on current projections, the average driver will spend 50 per cent more time in queues within two decades.
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And the public finances face a £30billion black hole due to loss of earnings from road duties — equivalent to a 6p rise in income tax.
The report states: “A new system of vehicle taxation is urgently needed.
“As more people purchase electric vehicles, changes to taxation will be harder to manage.
“Road pricing offers the opportunity to resolve these issues in a way that works for motorists and society.”
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