MPs Condemn the Government’s 2030 Ban on New Fossil Fuelled Car Sales

Practical Recommendations to lower emissions without banning new diesel and petrol vehicles by 2030

MPs Condemn the Government’s 2030 Ban on New Fossil Fuelled Car Sales
Image: Bigstock.

13 MPs and Lord Lilley have endorsed a ground-breaking new report from the APPG for Fair Fuel for UK motorists and UK hauliers.

It brings to the attention of decision makers that UK’s 37m drivers also want clean air to breathe. But at the same time to show that the current unilateral Government policies for road users, whilst on the surface seem laudable, are instead set to be damaging for the economy and the Nation’s role in ‘helping out’ with global climate change.

The Government should immediately remove the threat of the 2030 ban on the sales of new petrol and diesel vehicles. Instead, they should incentivise the move to clean fuels by motivating industry and entrepreneurs to develop technologies that will not impact adversely on the economy, drivers, or businesses.

APPG Chair, Craig Mackinlay says: “The only thing that’s protecting the Government from electoral harm on this matter is the seeming Westminster consensus and lack of courage to stand up to the climate fanatics and say: enough!  Sooner or later the public will rebel against this madness. Better to have the rational debate now before we fully embark on a failing and expensive experiment.”

Sir John Redwood MP said: “There is a lot of common sense in the APPG Fair Fuel Report. Greener transport needs to work for the people it wishes to attract as users. You cannot get to work or run the children to school on a government target. Government needs to explain how these changes are going to be better, popular and affordable.”

Julian Knight MP said: “This policy was wrong headed from the start, dreamt up in the kitchen diners of Notting hill, with no understanding of real people’s daily lives. It’s clear that the switch to electric will cause more environmental damage than running clean diesel. What’s more who is to say electric won’t be superseded soon making this whole costly charade a waste of time and money.”

Further quotes can be accessed here

The APPG Report has been produced by the APPG for Fair Fuel for Motorists and Hauliers, with considerable editorial and research input by its Editor Howard Cox, Secretary to the APPG and Founder of the FairFuelUK Campaign.

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Home Page Forums MPs Condemn the Government’s 2030 Ban on New Fossil Fuelled Car Sales

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  • #215673 Reply
    Stuart Woolley

    13 MPs and Lord Lilley have endorsed a ground-breaking new report from the APPG for Fair Fuel for UK motorists and UK hauliers. It brings to the atten
    [See the full post at: MPs Condemn the Government’s 2030 Ban on New Fossil Fuelled Car Sales]

    #215684 Reply
    Dave Currey

    they took there time to say anything

    #215687 Reply

    At last – some people with common sense.

    #215696 Reply
    M H

    Be some pompous tory mp, that looks like Arnold Rimmer BSC, who don’t live where he represents, with a year 2000 slightly fire damaged aston Martin V12 in blue with them silly neon tubes underneath that has decided petrol is better than electric

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