The Parts Alliance is pioneering the use of autoparts vending machines in partnership with the AA.
The concept is being piloted in a number of locations, with the machines electronically linked so The Parts Alliance can tell instantly which products are being used and when to replenish the stock.
Mike Curry, sales director national accounts for The Parts Alliance, said: “Early results are very positive and we hope to ramp up the number of locations significantly and pretty quickly.
“The vending machines [will] not only allow access to stock out of normal hours but [will] also mean we can get product closer to AA patrols in areas where we currently don’t have branches.”
A typical stock item is a battery, the AA patrol gaining access using a secure key code.
Curry added: “It’s another way of extending our reach and increases the number of locations where the AA can quickly pick up parts if they haven’t got them on the van.
“They get what they need, the beleaguered motorist is back on the road more quickly and we have a sale.”
Peter Sephton, chief executive of The Parts Alliance, said: “The vending concept is a world industry first and contributes to our position as a technology leader in the distribution of auto parts in Europe.”
To find out more about The Parts Alliance, click ‘more details’ below.