Top Garage 2023 winners revealed

Awards ceremony held at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Coventry

Top Garage 2023 winners revealed

The following businesses have been named as the winners of Top Garage 2023, including the winner of Top Service Advisor, and the first ever winner of the brand-new Ben Workplace Health and Wellbeing award, in association with automotive industry charity Ben.

Business with 1-3 employees
Drive Green Motor Services, Suffolk

Business with 4-6 employees
Links Automotive, Cheshire

Business with 7-9 employees
Cleevely Motors, Cheltenham

Businesses with 10-plus employees
Oldfields Garage Services, Herefordshire

Shaikly Motor Company, Essex

Alongside the main Top Garage classes, a number of staff members from garages competed to be named the winner as Top Service Advisor.

Top Service Advisor
James Wheatley, Uckfield Motor Services, East Sussex

Ben Workplace Health and Wellbeing
AAK Auto Service, Kent

Managers and owners from these businesses faced the panel of judges at the final, which took place at the Delphi Academy in Warwickshire on Saturday 14 October.

The announcement was made at the Top Technician and Top Garage awards evening, held at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Coventry later that evening. The winner and runner-up for Top Technician 2023 were also announced.

Top Garage was launched in 2018 to shine a light on the best garage businesses operating in the UK. The competition looks at all aspects, including business planning, customer care, investment and methods. Top Garage expanded in 2019 to allow businesses of all sizes to be acknowledged equally, competing with other businesses operating at the same scale.

The total value of the prizes presented to the winners of Top Technician and Top Garage courtesy of the Full Event Partners amounted to more than £30,000.

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