Drug-driving mobile mechanic caught speeding

Aaron Ivory is banned from driving for 17 months

Drug-driving mobile mechanic caught speeding
Photo: Google Street View

A mobile mechanic from Kent will lose his livelihood after being caught speeding and over the legal drug-drive limit for cannabis.

Aaron Ivory was driving a Vauxhall Zafira when he was stopped by police for doing 43mph in a 30mph zone.

Ivory was arrested when he failed a roadside saliva test, which proved that he was more than three times over the legal limit for cannabis. Appearing in court, he pleaded guilty to drug-driving and speeding offences.

Defending himself, Ivory told Medway Magistrates’ Court: “I have no excuse. I have four kids and I even do the food shopping for my nan who is 89. I will lose my job. At the moment I earn £700 a week.”

Magistrates banned him from driving for 17 months and handed him a 12-month community order, which includes a requirement to do 60 hours of unpaid work. He was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £114 and court costs of £85.

Source: Kent Online

1 Comment

  1. I’ve got no sympathy for him whatsoever, he will have to get the bus for his Nan’s shopping now.


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