Video: Stunt driver breaks world record for tightest parallel park

Incredible reverse manoeuvre sets a new record for the tightest parallel park ever completed in reverse

Video: Stunt driver breaks world record for tightest parallel park
Alastair slammed the Mini into reverse and perform a J-turn to break the world record.

Alastair Moffatt, 37-year-old British stunt driver, swung a Mini Cooper into a parking spot with a combined space of just 34cm between his car and the vehicles in front and behind.

He beat the previous record, which was set by Ronny Wechselberger of Germany in 2012.

Mr Moffat said: “I am so thrilled.

“A lot of planning, dedication and, of course, parking went into today’s successful record attempt.

Guinness World Record’s editor-in-chief, Craig Glenday said: “Our parallel parking records are always hotly contested and his demonstration of skill, precision and dedication to achieve such a difficult record is really inspirational stuff.”

Mr Moffatt beat the previous record – set by German Ronny Wechselberger in 2012 – by a single centimetre.

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