The proposed solution for the 1.6 litre engine involves a software update and the installation of what VW describes as a ‘flow transformer’, which will be located in front of the engine’s air mass sensor.
The transformer is designed to smooth the air flow towards the air mass sensor.
“This is a mesh that calms the swirled air flow in front of the air mass sensor and will thus decisively improve the measuring accuracy of the air mass sensor,” VW explained in a statement announcing the fix.
“The air mass sensor determines the current air mass throughput, which is a very important parameter for the engine management for an optimum combustion process.”
VW say the proposed fix is ‘relatively simple’, claiming it will take less than an hour to install and that it wont affect the power output of the engine or fuel efficiency, as was feared early on in the crisis.
For the two litre engine, it’s just a software update and will take around half an hour to complete, according to the VM.
The statement adds: “With these defined measures, technical solutions are already available for the majority of all Group models affected in Europe with EA 189 engines.
“At the end of this month, corresponding measures will be presented to the Federal Motor Transport Authority for the 1.2-litre 3-cylinder diesel engine as well.”
Surprised by the ‘simple’ fix? Please leave your comments below.
Am I missing something? Why all the deceit and cost involved in the development of “cheat” software in the first place when the cure is so simple?
Am I missing something? Why all the deceit and cost involved in the development of “cheat” software in the first place when the cure is so simple?
Mike Phillips
Thanks VW! A simple fix but what about the depreciation on my 2.0TDi? Are VW going to compensate? #Lost2kOnTheValueOfMyCar
Mike Phillips
Thanks VW! A simple fix but what about the depreciation on my 2.0TDi? Are VW going to compensate? #Lost2kOnTheValueOfMyCar
getting conned again, if its that easy why not include it in the first place, no loss of power or fuel usage – yeah right!!!
getting conned again, if its that easy why not include it in the first place, no loss of power or fuel usage – yeah right!!!
Lee Horton
Agreed with Mike Phillips, what about the financial loss we will all take when we come to sell our cars? Are VW going to compensate us with that for the sake of a small plastic part that could of been installed on production. All this hype and problems for what?
Lee Horton
Agreed with Mike Phillips, what about the financial loss we will all take when we come to sell our cars? Are VW going to compensate us with that for the sake of a small plastic part that could of been installed on production. All this hype and problems for what?
its a sad state that people are mostly concerned about the cost of the vehicle they own over the health implications and global deceit, everyone should know that unless auto companies are price fixing (ie PCP finance) car values cannot be guaranteed, prices should be allowed to free fall, otherwise there is no reason for any auto manufacture not to do this, what’s the punishment? a minor fine that doesn’t affect them at all, negative press that they have somehow turned to a positive?, now they are saying electric is the future (and as VW say it, it might just happen now) and media is swallowing up the mission e car they are talking about that they haven’t even invented to compete with a car that’s already 5 years old to compete in 4 years time with a car that will almost be a decade old by then, and that’s a good thing??
if this simple fix does actually fix the problem, perhaps people should realise the VW really doesn’t have or best interests at heart, if it was this easy to sort out it would of been done initially, and could of been done in regular servicing overtime as an update, if it was done as per servicing, I for one could accept it, at least they would own up at fault and stop lying about it, an honest mistake is worth more than a deceitful cover up to me.
its a sad state that people are mostly concerned about the cost of the vehicle they own over the health implications and global deceit, everyone should know that unless auto companies are price fixing (ie PCP finance) car values cannot be guaranteed, prices should be allowed to free fall, otherwise there is no reason for any auto manufacture not to do this, what’s the punishment? a minor fine that doesn’t affect them at all, negative press that they have somehow turned to a positive?, now they are saying electric is the future (and as VW say it, it might just happen now) and media is swallowing up the mission e car they are talking about that they haven’t even invented to compete with a car that’s already 5 years old to compete in 4 years time with a car that will almost be a decade old by then, and that’s a good thing??
if this simple fix does actually fix the problem, perhaps people should realise the VW really doesn’t have or best interests at heart, if it was this easy to sort out it would of been done initially, and could of been done in regular servicing overtime as an update, if it was done as per servicing, I for one could accept it, at least they would own up at fault and stop lying about it, an honest mistake is worth more than a deceitful cover up to me.