Carjacker posed as mechanic to steal car

Akram Ibrar's victim's car had broken down

Carjacker posed as mechanic to steal car
Photo: West Midlands Police

A carjacker from the West Midlands has been jailed for nearly six years after posing as a mechanic to steal a car.

The victim was fixing their car by the roadside when they were approached by Akram Ibrar, who claimed to be a mechanic.

When the driver got the car started, Ibrar pulled out a knife and forced them to hand over their keys. Ibrar later used the victim’s bank card, which had been left in the vehicle, which enabled police officers to use CCTV footage of him using the card.

Police recognised him from the footage and arrested him.

Ibrar appeared at Birmingham Crown Court, where he admitted the robbery. He was jailed for five years and 10 months.

Detective Constable Claire Smith, from West Midlands Police’s Birmingham’s major crime team, said: “Robbery is a priority for us as we understand just how severe an impact being threatened and having your belonging stolen can have.

“We know it’s a deeply upsetting crime and we are committed to identifying and tracing those who carry out such offences.”

Source: West Midlands Police


  1. Scum

  2. And now the tax payer has to pay to keep him. WHY?


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