Climate change activists vandalise electric car in Bristol

The Tesla was targeted in Bristol for being a ‘gas guzzling’ SUV

Climate change activists vandalise electric car in Bristol
Photo: Bigstock

Climate activists who want to “make it impossible to own a huge polluting 4×4 in the world’s urban areas” have targeted a Tesla in Bristol.

The car was targeted by Tyre Extinguishers while the owner was walking his dog in the Clifton area of the city.

Mark Moran MBE, chief executive of Hydrate for Health, told the BBC: “Many [drivers] have been hit multiple times – mine twice for tyres and once for paint.”

He admitted that there is a need to improve the environment, reduce waste and reduce pollution, but slammed the campaigners, saying the environmental cost of replacing the tyres was “far in excess of any saving their smugness will make”.

He added: “They are simply a faceless bunch of eco warriors who want to force their will upon people, with zero rational debate.”

Tyre Extinguishers, whose website includes a guide to deflating an SUV tyre, responded on X (formerly Twitter), saying: “Electric cars are fair game. We can’t electrify our way out of the climate crisis. The danger to other road users still stands, as does air pollution (PM 2.5 pollution is still produced from tyres/brake pads.

“A child killed by an SUV doesn’t care if it’s electric or petrol.”

Avon and Somerset Police received four reports that tyres had been let down in the Clifton area overnight, adding: “We believe these incidents are connected to a national environmental protest group, which has previously targeted SUV vehicles in the area.

“On this occasion, one of the vehicles was scratched after the suspects were unsuccessful in letting down the tyres.“

The campaign group invites activists to download a leaflet and sticker from its website for use after they have deflated the tyres of an SUV. Under the heading of ‘your gas guzzler kills’, it invites the SUV’s owner to walk, cycle or take public transport.

Source: BBC

1 Comment

  1. A child doesn’t care if it’s killed by a petrol or electric SUV
    Is that cos it’s already, dead?
    Crazy people and their causes


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