Motor industry chief warns of ‘imminent skills crisis’

IMI calls for government to re-skill steel workers

Motor industry chief warns of ‘imminent skills crisis’
IMI CEO, Steve Nash.

IMI chief, Steve Nash has issued a stark warning to Government of a critical skills shortage amongst vehicle technicians and a call for action to help reskill steel workers at an apprentice awards ceremony at Silverstone, attended by HRH Prince Michael of Kent.

The IMI is calling for government help with attracting young people into training and to take direct action to reskill adult industrial workers such as those being made redundant in the steel industry to help fill the gaps that will stymie growth and productivity.

The institute says new research shows a shift in demand toward alternative fuel vehicles after the diesel emission controversy has heightened the risks to business in Britain of a skills deficit.

Steve Nash will also call on Ministers to invest in a nationwide careers programme to attract intelligent enthusiastic young people into training for jobs as electric and hybrid vehicle technicians.

He said: “Careers advice available in schools has been at best unhelpful for the motor industry since government reforms in 2012, and education cuts have meant schools are hoarding young people which consequently effects the ongoing skills shortage.

“Without significant investment from the government to bring young people into our industry, businesses will struggle to service its customers and provide the high level jobs the economy desperately needs.

“Another option the government should consider to help the booming motor industry would be funding for training for some of the thousands of steel workers who are sadly being made redundant right now.”

Find out more about the IMI by clicking on the ‘More Details’ link below.

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