A Shropshire garage owner says he will appeal after Shropshire Council’s decision to reject plans to turn a former mill into an electric vehicle charging hub and three affordable housing units.
Dave Roberts, owner of DA Roberts in Grindley Brook, close to the England and Wales border near Whitchurch, says the decision should be overturned as he planned to restore the depilated mill.
He told the Whitchurch Herald: “The charging points are about 300 yards away from the substation on the main A41 and we haven’t got anything locally that could satisfy demand.
“We think we’ve been treated unfairly – it’s common sense really.
“I remember that mill being in operation 75 years ago when I first came to live around here and it hasn’t been in operation for 65 years.
“I own the building – it’s got the support of local people and the Lockside Café too because they would benefit from it, and they will be supporting us in the appeal.
“The building is falling apart – the council says it is of heritage value but it’s derelict, no one comes to look at it. It would look a lot smarter for residents and people passing by if it was kept smart with the plans we have.
“Our appeal should succeed because what we have planned for it will enhance the area.
“Plus the charging points for the future – it might not be needed now but in 10 years’ time, the infrastructure would be there if you need it.”
In response, Philip Mullineux, development manager at Shropshire Council, said: “The site is located outside the recognised development boundary and there was insufficient material/reasons to meet both local and national planning policies.
“One of the reasons for refusal of the application refers to Grindley Brook Mill building which is considered a non-designated heritage asset.
“Unfortunately, with regards to this application, the applicant had initially approached us for advice, but did not further engage.”
Source: Whitchurch Herald