New research has revealed that more than a third (35 percent) of motorists would prefer to fix a minor car issue than pay a mechanic to do it.
This comes as many car owners face the prospect of fixing advisory notices, following the busiest MOT month of the year in March.
According to eBay’s study, 34 percent of motorists delayed getting MOT advisories fixed last year due to rising living costs, with another 33 percent stating that they were unable to afford the repairs.
Although 10 percent of motorists don’t think advisories are a big deal, nearly a quarter (22 percent) admitted to delaying repairs for as long as possible.
The research also reveals that the most common MOT failure issues were inoperative lamps, reflectors and electrical equipment (23 percent), followed closely by suspension (18 percent), brake issues (14 percent) and defective tyres (13 percent).
Arjang Salehi, category lead – vehicle parts and accessories eBay UK, said: “According to eBay research, 45 percent of motorists dread the prospect of an MOT more than going to the dentist (34 percent) and this anxiety is caused by fear of the unknown.
”What’s the garage going to find and how much is it going to cost to put it right – those are the biggest fears.”
Hannah Gordon, eBay UK’s expert mechanic, added: “The car is an essential part of many people’s lives, so being without it due to an MOT fail plays into the dread that many people feel around the annual test.”
Not for all, but for a lot, It seems that the car what people rely on and need the most, is what they want to spend the least amount possible on keeping it well serviced and roadworthy.! A lot of people are happy to spend a fortune on extortionate monthly car payments, mobile phones, Sky tv, Costa Coffees, takeaways, non essential’s etc, their essential car is the last in the queue and no one seems to factor in the price of tyres, repair / maintenance bills that are associated with owning and running a vehicle.!! Yes spare money is definitely getting tighter but if you could put a minimum £10 a week away that’s £520 a year come MOT time which would certainly help with some of the dread.!!!