DVSA announces changes to disciplinary sanctions

Points system to be replaced with new sanction levels from 11 January, 2021

DVSA announces changes to disciplinary sanctions
Image: Bigstock.

The DVSA is to replace traditional disciplinary points with predetermined sanctions from 11 January 2021, it has announced.

The level of the sanction depends on the severity and the number of times the same shortcoming has been identified.

Shortcomings that will be sanctioned include failure to calibrate MOT equipment, defective test equipment, failure to display mandatory signs and notices and a new vehicle record created on the MOT testing service that does not match the presented vehicle.

New DVSA disciplinary sanctions

Level 1: The DVSA will issue advice.

Level 2:The DVSA will issue temporary suspension notices, stopping testing at a site if the shortcomings are found impact the quality of testing. The site will be prevented from testing, until the shortcomings are rectified.

Level 3:The DVSA will start a disciplinary repute case when multiple occurrences of the same shortcoming are found in a five-year period. Depending on the specific shortcoming this will either be on the third or fourth occurrence.

Related: MOT security cards to be phased out

In a special notice issued this week, the DVSA said: “Where the outcome of the case would normally lead to cessation, other than single offence cessation, DVSA currently consider credit points.

“As the consideration of credit points is only applicable in this scenario, DVSA is removing credit points and moving to a process where in all cases AEs and testers can provide relevant mitigation that will be considered and may lead to a reduction in the sanction that is imposed.

“This means that DVSA can apply the same process to all cases, and decisions can be made fairer and more proportionate.”

Emissions records

Also announced this week, the DVSA is to introduce changes to the requirements for issuing and retaining emissions records from 11 January 2021.

The agency said: “A record of the emissions test does not need to be issued to the customer with every test.

“However, the record must be retained in all cases and must be produced if requested.

Related: DVSA “will continue to change”, says its new chief executive

If the vehicle passes the test, the emissions record only needs to be issued to the customer if requested.

“If the vehicle fails the test, the emissions record must be issued to the customer.”

Testing stations must keep emissions records for all test results for three months, stored digitally or as hardcopy printouts.

Failure to produce an emissions record when requested may result in disciplinary action being taken.

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years ago by Mike Ruff, GW editor.
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  • #206012 Reply

    The DVSA is to replace traditional disciplinary points with predetermined sanctions from 11 January 2021, it has announced. The level of the sanction
    [See the full post at: DVSA announces changes to disciplinary sanctions]

    #206020 Reply

    It almost makes me glad I don’t test anymore (roadside patrol now) as the constant changes I don’t think I would have been able to keep up with!

    #206026 Reply
    Roger Chaplin

    I welcome this move,having been a tester since I was seventeen and am now 75 and still testing I have had no trouble with dvsa and always found them most helpful, a welcome move as far as I see

    #206027 Reply

    These changes are to items which are included in the current MOT Annual Training which testers need to complete between 1/4/20 and 30/4/21.
    Does this mean that those who take the exam after 11/1/21 will be facing different questions to those who have already completed it? Will those who have already completed it need to retake the test ?

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