Drug driver didn’t realise state of car, police report

Civic issued prohibition notice to prevent it being driven until fixed

Drug driver didn’t realise state of car, police report

The driver of a Honda Civic was found to have drugs in his system after police tested him when he didn’t realise his car was unroadworthy.

North Yorkshire Police officers also issued a prohibition notice to prevent it being driven on a road until fixed.

TC Mark Patterson tweeted: “Driver tested positive on DrugWipeUK, which may explain why he thought his vehicle was roadworthy.”

Related: 18-year-old attempts to carry on driving with front door lodged in roof after crashing

Home Page Forums Drug driver didn’t realise state of car, police report

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  • #205640 Reply

    The driver of a Honda Civic was found to have drugs in his system after police tested him when he didn’t realise his car was unroadworthy. North Yorks
    [See the full post at: Drug driver didn’t realise state of car, police report]

    #205679 Reply

    How does that work, can only really see driving mirror as non conform
    From angle of photo.

    You knock the inertia switch off if them putting end cover on
    But not taking side out, which is rusty at impact point!

    Something odd

    #205709 Reply

    Driver should be banned and car crushed, road worthy or not, end off. Get the scum of the roads.

    #205718 Reply
    S Stephens

    The driver should be given a motor cycle license only,then any damage he does will only be to himself.

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