The Parts Alliance named UK’s most Innovative Automotive Distributor

Corporate LiveWire Innovation and Excellence Awards 2015 finds 'most innovative firms'

The Parts Alliance named UK’s most Innovative Automotive Distributor
The Parts Alliance prides itself on forming relationships with world-leading O.E. and matching quality suppliers providing a customer leading tiered offer.

The Parts Alliance has been named the UK’s Most Innovative Automotive Distributor 2015 at the Corporate LiveWire Innovation and Excellence Awards.

Peter Sephton, chief executive of The Parts Alliance, said: “Over the past 12 months, working to our ten steps programme, we have strengthened the product choice, service, value and expertise that we offer to our independent and national customers alike.

“We’ve also grown to a national footprint of well over 300 branches, with new businesses integrated and new systems introduced across the Group, so the customer receives consistent, best-in-class service wherever they may be.”

Among the innovations in 2015 are the Parts Alliance Reporting and Compliance tool, PARC, and its world industry first autoparts vending concept PA PartVend.

The judging panel reviewed the activities of short-listed companies over the past 12 months looking for ‘a willingness to adapt to the ever changing environment of their respective fields’ while achieving ‘exceptional performance and success’.

Awards Director Leah Jones said: “Each and every winner was chosen on merit and has shown excellence, innovation and strong leadership throughout the past calendar year.”

Click ‘more details’ below for further information about The Parts Alliance.

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