Video: Uninsured driver crashes £1M Zonda while driving back from MOT

Bodyguard smashes his boss's supercar into a fence on an industrial estate in north west London

Video: Uninsured driver crashes £1M Zonda while driving back from MOT
An employee was left red-faced after he ploughed his bosses £1M Pagani Zonda into a fence.

Andy Danso, 43, was driving the Zonda back from its MOT when it left the road.

Danso initially told officers he had swerved to avoid another car but CCTV, which can be seen below, proved otherwise.

Danso then said he had been adjusting his seat when he lost control of the supercar.

The man was charged with driving without due care and attention, driving without the correct insurance and using forged insurance details following the incident.

At Willesden Magistrates’ Court yesterday, Danso said: “I just lifted the lever up and went to push it back.

“It was stiff to start off with so I pushed a bit harder and my foot slipped forward on the right hand side of the accelerator and pushed it down.

District judge Denis Brennan said: “At that point the car accelerated and the back of the car pulled to the left.”

“A reasonable and prudent driver would have pulled over you didn’t and as far as that there was an accident.”

Danso received nine points on his licence, was fined £1,000 and ordered to pay £400 costs.

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